Dark Moon Books CONTEST NOW CLOSED: Please visit www.HorrorWritingContest.com for other contests sponsored by Dark Moon Books and Dark Moon Digest.
1st Prize: $100 and publication as the winning entry in the Dark Moon Anthology: A Collection of Zombie Short Stories. 2nd Prize: $50 and publication in the Dark Moon Anthology: A Collection of Zombie Short Stories. 3rd Prize: $25 and publication in the Dark Moon Anthology: A Collection of Zombie Short Stories. All other stories selected for the anthology will receive 2 copies of the book upon publication. (No other remuneration will be provided.) We expect to include about 12-15 short stories depending on story length, etc. Stories must be submitted by the author holding the copyright. (If your story is not copyrighted, don't worry. Copyright laws protect your work from the moment you started writing it.) Your story must be previously unpublished in print format. (Online publication is fine as long as you hold the copyright and you are not bound by exclusivity to any person, party or website.) By submitting your story you authorize us to use the story as promotional content as needed. You also give Stony Meadow Publishing and Dark Moon Books First North American Serial Rights if we decide to publish your story in the anthology. (Check here for more information on copyrights.) All other rights remain yours. We only desire single time use rights. Stories should be at least 2,000 words and should not be longer than about 6,000 words. This is not a strict guideline, but anything differing from these figures should be the exception rather than the rule. Please submit your short stories via e-mail to StonyMeadowBooks@aol.com as an attachment. Files should be in either Word (.doc) or Rich Text format. A serif type face is perferred (i.e. Times Roman, Georgia, Courier). Stories' basic theme should be zombie-oriented. (No vampire stories with a zombie making a single appearance somewhere along the way, please.) Please submit no more than two short stories. You may withdraw your short story from consideration at any point before the 10/01/2009 contest end date, but this request must be made in writing. Entrants selected as finalists for the contest will be notified before 10/01/2009. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any additional questions.
Copyright 2006-2009 by Stony Meadow Publishing Stan Swanson's Personal Website